What people say about Mel
"We invited Mel to do a 15-minute performance at our event. He made the entire audience in the hall laugh during the whole time, thanks to his refreshingly unique Irish-German humour. Mel prepared well, asking us detailed questions about the audience beforehand. He managed to appeal to a heterogeneous crowd of 700 people, having brought jokes about culture, language, relationships, getting older, business life and even the hair on his body! We would gladly have him on stage again!"
Dora Dzvonyar, TEDxTUM Organiser
Inviting a comedian to moderate a charity event? YES, the best choice if his name is Mel Kelly. His refined sense of humour and empathy fit perfectly to an event for the largest nonprofit Hospital in Uganda. Mel moderated the “Munich Party for Uganda - A Project for Lacor Hospital” As well as fund raising, the event was to create awareness of this incredible hospital, located in Gulu, northern Uganda. Mel guided the international guest speakers through the hospital’s history and of the emergencies it has faced in the past, such as the AIDS pandemic, the Ebola outbreak in 2000 and decades of brutal civil conflict. Mel successfully managed to create a lively atmosphere which allowed an interactive dialogue with the audience. Most importantly, Mel demonstrates that serious messages can be better conveyed with a smile.
Dr Dominque Corti, President, Corti Foundation (Milan, Italy)
Dr Dominque Corti, President, Corti Foundation (Milan, Italy)
"Mel was a speaker at the 'Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life' at the Fraunhofer Society in Munich. Mel understands highly technical topics such as Artificial Intelligence and he also understands how to make it fun and very entertaining for a 150 strong technical audience. His humour resonated with the audience who were entertained and laughing throughout and made it a great success."
Juan Tejeda, Managing Director, BRAINS & HEARTS,
Juan Tejeda, Managing Director, BRAINS & HEARTS,
"You want your voice to be truly heard and become a champion in communication? In that case I strongly recommend Mel Kelly. He has a natural gift of bringing over his communication skills to his audience in a fun, engaging and dynamic way. We had the pleasure to welcome Mel to the PWN, where he empowered our wonderful ladies. It's fascinating to listen to Mel, to hear his stories and how he energizes and inspires the audience not only during the event but long afterwards."
Joke Van Acker, Executive Vice President, Professional Women’s Network - Munich
„Was macht man wenn man zum 50. Geburtstag jemanden total überraschen und alle geladenen Gäste begeistern will? Man lädt Mel Kelly ein, erzählt ihm ein wenig wer da feiert und wer so alles kommen wird. Dann darf man sich allerdings nicht wundern wenn die skurillen Besonderheiten anderer Nationen, aber gerade auch die typisch deutschen Verhaltensweisen aus irischer Sicht kommentiert werden. Heraus kommen messerscharfe satirische Analysen die auch vor dem Geburtstagkind und dessen Gästen nicht Halt machen. Daneben gibt es Höhepunkte aus dem aktuellen Comedy-Programm. Die Gästen waren amüsiert, die Beschenkte begeistert und Mel das Highlight unserer Feier - danke!“
Klaus Steger, Munich |
„Mit Mel Kelly zusammenzuarbeiten kann echt anstrengend sein, aber ich möchte es auf keinem Fall missen! Warum anstrengend? Weil ihm der noch so kleinste Fauxpas nicht verborgen bleibt – und das ist gut so! Mel gelingt es auf äußerst empathische Weise, das Authentische eines Speakers in den Vordergrund zu holen. Durch ihn wird sich jeder auf der Bühne wohlfühlen. Danke Mel!“
Heike Gallery, Director Digital Consulting, gutefrage gruppe www.gutefrage.net |
„DOAG Regionaltreffen zum Thema Big Data in München. Ein Fachvortrag der etwas anderen Art – mit Fakten belegt und sauber ausgearbeitet auf der einen Seite, sehr amüsant und lustig vorgetragen auf der anderen Seite. Ein sehr erfrischender Abend, der nach Wiederholung schreit!.“
Andreas Ströbel, DOAG Regionalleiter, München/Südbayern www.doag.org |
"As Master of Ceremony for our gala dinner for 300 people, Mel took charge of the agenda right from the start, making sure that everyone involved in the event were on the same page. Then Mel's performance as MC was more than could have been expected. He delivered a Stand-up Comedy routine that had most people laughing out loud for several minutes and then continued to keep the mood lively and festive for the rest of the evening. Mel did a wonderful job in all aspects as MC for the evening and I highly recommend him for any event you may be considering!"
Neal Greenspan, Vice Chairman Conference, Boras, Sweden boras2015.95conf.org |
"Mel Kelly hat mich als Coach bei der Vorbereitung meiner Wettbewerbsrede für die Europameisterschaft begleitet. Sein scharfsinniger Blick und seine analytische Präzision verblüffen mich immer wieder! Dabei schätze ich ganz besonders seine hohe Sensibilität und Wahrnehmung für einen authentischen Auftritt des Redners Glaubhaft in seiner Aussage und fesselnd in seiner Präsentation! Es gehört immer eine große Portion Glück dazu, bei der Europameisterschaft einen Redewettbewerb zu gewinnen. Mel Kelly als Coach zu bekommen, ist in jedem Fall ein Gewinn! Danke Mel !!!"
Erna Anna Fleckenstein, Europameisterin 2015, suddeutsche.de
Leitung FLECKENSTEIN Training & Theater, Interaktives Unternehmens-Theater, ImproTheater Schule München
Erna Anna Fleckenstein, Europameisterin 2015, suddeutsche.de
Leitung FLECKENSTEIN Training & Theater, Interaktives Unternehmens-Theater, ImproTheater Schule München
"I have worked with Mel for several years on numerous speeches and presentations. His preparation is meticulous and his on-stage presence is dynamic. With Mel, you have a speaker who cares about his audience and delivers on stage. Every single time." John Zimmer, Lawyer, Public Speaker and Trainer, Geneva, Switzerland www.mannerofspeaking.org |
"Mel Kelly is a champion speaker! He is an entertaining presenter who always leaves his audiences laughing and learning. Audiences love Mel Kelly’s style. He’s got engaging stories, entertaining humour and excellent expertise." Bob Mohl, University Professor, Paris, France www.bobmohl.com |
"Unterhaltend und tief zugleich, verbindend und mit großem Verständnis für die unterschiedlichen Positionen führte Mel Kelly durch den Abend "Design & Ethik" im Salon Luitpold wurde nicht zuletzt durch ihn eine Bereicherung." Eva Schmidt, Geschäftsführerin, Radio Muenchen www.radiomuenchen.net |
"Mel did two very entertaining performances at this year’s Irish/Bayrisch festival in front of 1000 people at the Rindermarkt in downtown Munich. Adopting to the occasion he switched to German for his very well received Stand-Up Comedy routine in which he gave insights into what life is like for an Irishman living in Bavaria’s capital city. Both performances were rewarded by enthusiastic applause from the festival audience."
Paul Daly, Director, Irish/Bayrisch Festival, Munich
Paul Daly, Director, Irish/Bayrisch Festival, Munich
"Mel Kelly is a very entertaining speaker who is able to wrap significant messages in a style that is engaging and effective."
Mark Hunter, World Champion of Public Speaking 2009, Coach, Author, Brisbane, Australia
Mark Hunter, World Champion of Public Speaking 2009, Coach, Author, Brisbane, Australia
"Dazzles audiences with knowledge of current affairs and makes people laugh along the way. Endlessly thankful for Mel Kelly for moderating our Irish charity ball."
Ann Dempsey, IBN Bavaria President, Managing Partner, Reply GmbH, Munich, Germany www.irishbusinessnetwork.de |
"Mel Kelly's giant heart makes him a remarkable person who is always on hand to share with others his vast knowledge and wisdom in an interesting and entertaining manner. We can all learn with Mel, a true communication champion."
Rui Henriques, Coach, Teacher, Porto, Portugal |
"There are few public speakers who excel in combining business and IT knowhow with great rhetorical skills and Irish humour. Mel Kelly is one of them. This makes him a fantastic keynote speaker. I’ve seen Mel perform in numerous occasions and have worked with him on the training side. He has his own unique style and knows how to engage with literally any audience. Mel Kelly will inspire your audience with wit and wisdom. A promise maintained." Florian Mueck, Communication Trainer, Author, Barcelona, Spain www.thesevenminutestar.com |
"Mel Kelly clothes his wisdom in such humorous garments that the warm-hearted atmosphere he creates lasts long after the evening is over. Witty, thoughtful, hilariously funny, Mel will delight your guests and enhance your event."
Naomi Susan Isaacs, Life Coach, Author, Jazz Singer, Munich, Germany naomisusanisaacs.com |
"Mel Kelly is the missing spice to any event.
Entertaining, informative and funny, your audience is in safe hands with Mel at the helm." Olivia Schofield, Top Woman Speaker World Championship of Public Speaking 2011, Communication Trainer, Berlin, Germany www.oliviaschofield.com |
Many thanks Mel, for the insights, and effective and entertaining sessions!"
Silvana Wasitova, Management Consultant, Lausanne, Switzerland
"Mel Kelly provides that rare combination of humor and insight paired with considerable public-speaking skills."
Christopher Magyar, Language Teacher, Communication Trainer, Munich, Germany www.magyarandmagyar.com |
Vera Orac, Lawyer, Translator, Communications Trainer, Prague, The Czech Republic |
"Mel Kelly is very knowledgeable and leaves a very good impression. Everything he explains clearly, and with many examples, stories and videos. Not only is he entertaining, friendly, but fun too. All our attendees were able to learn in a really enjoyable environment."
Julie Kertesz, PhD, Workshop Organiser, Coach, Stand-up Comedian, London, England
Julie Kertesz, PhD, Workshop Organiser, Coach, Stand-up Comedian, London, England